Thanks for sharing the love

to who ever took the time
to decorate this beautiful Christmas tree
on the beach

Santa hats
reindeer antlers

It was so fun
to stop and take pictures
while riding bikes
on the beach.
It's what's inside that counts!!
Our Christmas tradition

A perfect recipe for Christmas morning.
You prepare it on Christmas eve, put it in the fridge overnight and then heat in the morning.
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 Tablespoons corn syrup
1 loaf sliced Brioche bread
Handful sliced pecans
5 large eggs
1 1/2 cups half and half
1 splash vanilla
1 splash Grand Marnier
1/4 teaspoon salt
In a small saucepan melt butter with brown sugar and corn syrup over medium heat, stirring until smooth.
Pour into a 9x13 baking dish. Sprinkle with chopped pecans.
Begin with center portions of bread and layer into pan squeezing together so they fit.
In a bowl, whisk together eggs, half and half, vanilla, Grand Marnier and salt until combined. Pour evenly over bread.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
In the morning, place uncovered pan in oven, then pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Bake approximately 35-40 minutes or until slightly puffed and lightly browned.
Delicious with some maple syrup!