It was good - very very good!
I have often admired the work of Amy Hanna.
When I saw she was teaching a class at French General I jumped at the chance to
She has inspired me from afar for many years!
When I noticed Amy was teaching a class in Los Angeles and at a location I had always wanted to see, it was a no brainer to sign up as quickly as possible.
Amy was teaching the class "charmed" at the French General.
I have to say...once arriving at the French General I was a bit surprised! There I was at the adorable pink building I had seen many times in pictures.
However, for a moment I wondered if I had arrived at the correct location and/or did I not read my itinerary correctly.
The front door was locked. And although there were cars parked in front of the store there were not any people coming and going as I had expected.
So I waited patiently, and just as class time was about to start ladies began arriving and the door was unlocked from the inside.
There was a kind woman holding a clipboard who greeted each of us and as we came through the door she checked to see if our names were on her list.
It was as though we were entering a secret society.
Once inside the doors this is what we saw!!
as quickly as you were allowed inside, the door behind you was once again closed, and locked!
And then the fun began!
First and foremost, meeting Amy was the highlight of the day!
And then not just meeting her but also being able to learn from her. She taught us how she makes her cool metal stamped charms and also how she solders her links.
We began cutting metal, stamping, filing, punching and spinning. We met new friends, we laughed and shared tips and tricks. We tasted delicious desserts and spent time shopping.
And we also were lucky enough to admire handmade jewelry Amy made and brought with her that was for sale.
It was a very very good day, one I won't soon forget. I hope to someday take one of Amy's jewelry classes.
I'm gonna keep my eye on the French General as well, because they offer many workshops through out the year and with different artists. I am thinking the "Downtown Digging" looks pretty great!
xo <3